Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Memo that I sent to my supervisors today

To: Ma Jun, Emily Huang

From: Mark Wlodawski

Re: VIK status and bank transfer status

VIK Status

The VIK goods record as of this date is attached to this memo in the spreadsheet VIK thus far; several accounts include the most recent data gathered directly from sponsor contacts in their emails or spreadsheet attachments.

· I have verified several of the Dell deliveries according to their items and dates, but the market values come directly from Dell.

· I am still entering data from Wal-Mart receipts and spreadsheets given to me by Jacob

· Motorola representative promised to update me very soon on their donations

· I contacted the E.J. Gallo representative in order to request their bulk prices, no answer yet

· Several other accounts, such as Laticrete, have completed their sponsor obligation according to emails from our contacts.

I plan next to continue my attempts in contacting representatives and acquiring data. Several of the contacts have been unresponsive, so I have been working together with the sponsorship department to meet other contacts.

Documents that serve as records of receipts, such as delivery notices and various emails and spreadsheets, are being held as printed records in one of my folders and are available for perusal.

Bank Transfer Status

I maintain a running spreadsheet record and a folder with all records of these charges given to me. As of July 7, I have received claims from 5 different employees who each have more than one charge. I will forward that to Emily by July 28.

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