Saturday, September 4, 2010

FedEx visits USAP

FedEx Visits USAP

FedEx is another one of the USAP’s cash-only sponsors, and as part of the sponsor level they were on, they were allowed to schedule several special events and lectures using either our conference/dining room or the 1776 Lounge (bar and lounge area). Many times over my first 2 months at the USAP, I would tell everyone in the Sponsorship department that, because FedEx’s headquarters was in my city, I would greatly appreciate the chance to meet some of their representatives when they visit our pavilion. One time, I had the chance!

Many of you will recall that, at the USAP, I was responsible for delivering the payment to China Mobile to pay the bills for all the pavilion-sponsored cell phones. On July 9th, I left the USAP at 16:00 to deliver the payment to China Mobile; when I arrived, I discovered that I had left the check at work in my file cabinet! I returned to the USAP at 18:00 to retrieve the check and upon my return to the USAP, I decided to enter the VIP entrance to climb the stairs to the second floor office. The stairwell leading to the second floor of the pavilion on that side opens directly across from the dining room in which a special event was being held. I had a strange feeling that it was FedEx’s event, and sure enough when I asked a random suit-wearing man “Which organization is having an event tonight,” he told me that it was FedEx and that he was representing an American office. I told him that I was from Memphis and a USAP student ambassador, and he invited me to the event to meet several Chinese and American FedEx employees!

The event’s subject was corporate social responsibility, with a focus on the environmental impact of industrialization and overconsumption. After the first lecture, I was introduced to the representative of FedEx Shanghai’s corporate outreach and social responsibility office, and she was very happy to meet me. She has visited Memphis, including the FedEx hub, headquarters, and Graceland, and was eager to establish outreach connections with a student group I was involved in, called GCC (Global Chinese Connections). The power of luck and excellent timing has won again in my life!

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