Sunday, June 6, 2010

Meeting Secretary Clinton

Wow, it's already been over 2 weeks since I got to meet Secretary Clinton! Time is passing very quickly, unfortunately. I have less than 2 months left here :(.
Anyway, it was an honor meeting Secretary Clinton! She went to our pavilion to take the tour, give a special award donation to some kids, meet some staff, and speak to our sponsors at a special dinner.
When it came time for the student ambassadors (ahem) to meet her, we stood in one of our movie theaters and listened to her congratulatory speech. This included "You are the stars of the pavilion! Chinese people love that you speak Mandarin (some speak Shanghainese too!) to them and we are bridging cultural gaps to strengthen Sino-U.S. relations." She asked to briefly say our names and where we were from, asked who came from Chinese backgrounds and who started from scratch, and then we took a group picture with her. I felt very honored and proud.

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